The use of the term 'technology' (English: technology) has changed significantly over the last 200 years. Before the 20th century, the term is not common in English, and usually refers to the depiction or assessment of applied art. The term is often associated with technical education, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (founded in 1861). The term technology began to stand out in the 20th century along with the passing of the Second Industrial Revolution. Understanding technology changed at the beginning of the 20th century when American social scientists, started by Thorstein Veblen, translating the ideas of the German concept, Technik, becomes technology. In German and other European languages, a difference exists between Technik and Technologie who was precisely nil in English, because both the term usually translated as technology. In the 1930s, technology was not only referring to 'study' the arts industry, but also in the arts industry...