Modern times

Modern times are usually referring to the years after 1500. The year was marked by the collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire, the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, the start of the Zeitgeist and church reform by Martin Luther.

Modern period is characterized by the rapid development in science, politics, and technology. From the late 19th century and early 20th century, modern art, politics, science, and culture not only dominate Western Europe and North America, but also almost every inch of the area in the world. Including a wide range of thought pro- and contra to the Western world. Brutal wars and other problems of this period, many resulting from the rapid growth, and the relationship between the loss of power of the traditional religious and ethical norms. This raises a lot of reaction to the modern development. Optimism and trust in the process of running in place has been criticized by postmodernism while the domination of Western Europe and North America on another continent has been criticized by postcolonial theory.

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