Prophet Muhammad recite the Quran to his Ubay ibn Ka'b at God's command to teach and demonstrate the correct way to read, places waqof and form songs. This was deemed necessary because the Shari'ah has restricted songs that can be used when reading the Qur'an. For the use of the song in reading the Qur'an can affect the psyche of a person who read it. Science recitation various terms that are inside theoretically it is written not recovered in The Prophet. The Prophet himself instructed to read the Quran with Tajweed and hymn as referred to in paragraph 4, Surah al-Muzammil:

ورتل القرآن ترتيلا ......

"... ..Bacalah Quran with tartil (slowly)." Then he saw these verses teach to their friends and reading pornographic.

Sayyidina Ali R.A. When asked about whether the purpose of reading the Quran for tartil it?, he said, "is a reference to smarten reading or pronouncing each letter and stopped at the right place".
This shows that the reading of the Quran is not a scientific result of Ijtihad (fatwa) scholars are processed based on the arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah, but the reading of the Quran is that which he (pulled right) through the history of source the original pronunciation and recitation of the Holy Prophet.
When Islam spread its wings all over the world, and those non-Arab converts to Islam in droves, while it began to appear in the engineering problem reading the Koran. Their tongue difficult to pronounce the letter "Dhad" which apparently never existed in all human languages. Up Arabic language is also known as "Dhad".
So we need a discipline of its own on how to read the Qur'an properly, according to the articulation of each letter and its properties. And how melafadzkannya, reading it from the Mushaf and so on. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, who is still sound too simple writings. If not the Arabs, it is impossible that anyone can read it. Knowledge is referred to as the science of recitation which serves to explain how to read and smarten reading the Koran. Based on this fact historian scholars formulate an assumption that the principal purpose of studying recitation is keeping the tongue of confusion in the study of the Koran.
About qira'at, Qira'at is the knowledge to know the sentences of the Koran and the difference, and follow the path that connect (muttashil) to the Prophet. In a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari of Umar bin Khattab that Umar said that at one point had caught Hisham bin Hakim reciting Surat Al-Furqan not the same as reading a note Umar. He almost acted Hisham - because they have read the Qur'an incorrectly - but then he let it through to completion. After the Caliph Omar Hisham asked the Messenger. Arriving in front of Umar explained everything. The Prophet then asked Hisham Al-Furqan recited. Hisham was repeated reading. The Prophet then said; "This is how the Qur'an was revealed. Indeed, the Qur'an was revealed on seven letters. Read the readings from the Koran." This hadith shows that the Prophet himself taught some reading to his friends. However, it is not a difference of principle to reading can change the meaning of the Qur'an. From then appear readings of the priests who narrated from the Companions and Successors. In this case, there are at least seven priests competent and very popular among members qira'ah. Even seven priests reading is circulated throughout the world.
When Islam spread its wings all over the world, and those non-Arab converts to Islam in droves, start-up problem in reading the Koran. Their tongue difficult to pronounce the letters in the Qur'an. For example the letter 'Dhad' that does not exist in all human languages. Up Arabic language is also known as 'Dhad'.
So we need a discipline of its own on how to read the Qur'an properly, according to the articulation of each letter and its properties. Also how melafadzkannya, reading it from the Mushaf and so on. Because at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Manuscripts that are still too simple writings. If it was not the Arabs, it is impossible that anyone can read it. Science is called science of recitation which serves to explain how to read and smarten reading the Koran. Based on the fact that historians formulate an assumption that the main goal of this study is to keep the tongue Recitation of confusion in the study of the Koran.
R.a friends are those who trust in reading bequeath to the next generation of Muslims. They will not add or subtract what they have learned it, because they fear high to God and so is the generation after them. The development was started by the recitation of the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet received revelation from Jibril was with bertajwid, just at the moment it does not emphasize the law in detail and recorded. People began to be recorded this knowledge is'Azim Imam Abu Al-Qasim bin Salam Abid on the 3rd Hijri century.
Scientists also said the development of science history at the time of the Prophet recitation along with the other sciences. Even so, the law relating to the law nun Vegas, meme Vegas, mad, endowment and others yet to be named and recorded.
In the history of Islam, called seubt name Abul-Aswad Ad-Du'ali who contributed in making vowel (a row) in the Qur'an Manuscripts. Also make stop signs in reading (endowment). He was included in the ranks tabi'in, namely one layer generation after the Companions of the Prophet. Mentioned that he did it on the orders of Ali bin Abi Talib. After that, the scholars of Islam from all over the country compete to accomplish what he was a pioneer. Finally, a more complete knowledge of recitation until now I ni.
What counts as science writing Recitation of the earliest onset of consciousness is when the need for Uthmani manuscripts written by Uthman was placed dots and rows of each letter and word. This movement was led by Abu Aswad Ad-dual and Al-Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Farahidi, when at the time of the Caliph of the Muslims have a duty to do so when Muslims make a mistake in reading.

      This is because during Uthman Quran Mushaf completed in six or seven, he was leaving the dots letters and rows because of the breadth of his companions and tabi'in at that time to read them as they were taken from Prophet accordance with lahjah (dialect) Arabs are manifold. But after growing prevalence of Islam to all Arab lands and the fall of Rome and Persia to the Muslims at first and second year of Hijrah, the Arabic language began to mix with the inhabitants of the conquered Muslims. This has caused a lot of errors in the use of the Arabic language as well as reading the Quran. Then al-Quran Mushaf Uthmani has labored to avoid mistakes in reading with the addition of lines and dots on the letters of Authorship science Qiraat earliest agree what researchers know is what has been collected by Abu 'Ubaid Al-Qasim Ibn Salam in his book "Al-Qiraat" in the 3rd century AH. But some say what has been prepared by Abu 'Umar Hafs Ad-Duri in science Qiraat is earlier. In the 4th century Hijra, birth Ibn Mujahid Al-Baghdadi in his essay "Kitabus sab'ah", where he was the first to isolate qiraat compatible with seven priests and seven manuscripts Uthmani difference of seven texts all the time Recitation of the composition of the earliest, perhaps writing Mazahim Abu Al-Haqani in Qasidah (poetry) Recitation science at the end of the 3rd century AH is leading. After the birth of the scholars who appeared preserve both this knowledge with their works from time to time as Abu 'Amr Ad-Dani in his book At-Taysir, Imam Ash-Syatibi Tahani with his book "Hirzul Amani wa Wajhut Tahani" that the pillar of essays figures of its contemporaries and that after them. But it is clear from their writings and science is the science of Tajweed always Qiraat hand, written in a book without separate discussion.
The birth was a figure of great importance in the science of Tajweed and Qiraat the Imam (scholar) who is known as Ibn al-Jazari the essay he praises the "An-SYR", "Toyyibatun SYR" and "Ad-Durratul Mudhiyyah" said Qiraat science is ten as a complement to what the Imam ash-Syatibi in his book "Hirzul Amani" as Qiraat seven. Imam Al-Jazari also wrote a separate essay Recitation of science in his book "At-Tamhid" and his more famous poems as "Matan Al-Jazariah". Imam Al-Jazari have left writings so much with reading once that subsequently an example and guide for essays science and Qiraat Recitation and reading the Quran to this day.
      Scholars of Islam from an early age have devoted great attention to the maintenance of Al Quran in order to avoid daridistorsi, either reading or makna.Diantara their efforts is to describe the nature of the sound articulation and sound Al quran with great detail, the description above of other scientists until now Al Quran .Von the sound they popularized under the name of science and science qiraat recitation.
      Arab linguists are not left in the assessment bunyi.Khalil bin Ahmad compiled a dictionary of Arabic, Al'ain, whose entries were compiled based on sound articulation furthest in tenggorokan.Penentuan mkhraj as a reference preparation insert dictionary entries sense that science has popular sound of that time.
       Khalil bin Ahmad this effort continued and developed by his Sibaweih to compile a book called Al-Chapter 4 jilid.Dalam consisting of four volumes to make it a special chapter on noise and named it the chapter Al-Idghom.
       On the other hand Ibn Jinni (d. 392H) in his book, al-Sirr Al'i'rab Shina'at, introduced the organ of speech; articulation; properties of sound; long and short vocal; and various sound phenomena, such as thin and thick qolqolah. this all shows that Arab linguist also has a great share in producing knowledge bunyi.Ilmu this is pure creativity of Arab scholars, not the adoption of greek scientists, as alleged in some quarters.
        Qiraat tajwid knowledge and science as well as the knowledge that the first born after the birth of Islam, namely the third century Hijri when Abu Ubaid Al-Qasim bin Salam (d. 224H) launched his book Al'Qiraat.Kemudian followed by Musa bin Abdullah bin Yahya Al Haqani with group launched a poem called Qashidah Al-Haqoniyyah containing Al Quran noise sound.
       Haqani few centuries after Christ's death, the attention of scholars to the knowledge of recitation is besar.Hal is characterized by the many books that diluncurkan.Setelah it, science does not get the attention of linguists and sticking their attention back later.
Lack of attention of scholars in developing science and science tajwid qiraat most likely is because of the sacredness of its objects, namely Al Quran.Kitab this sacred authenticity is guaranteed and can not be amended to change so that change seemed like a recitation of the Holy Qur'an change.
      Stagnation experienced tajwid knowledge and science qiraat for decades, making the science behind this experience compared with other sound science, especially if linked to technological means informasi.Oleh Therefore, updating knowledge and science qiraat recitation is a necessity for the preservation of both these sciences ,
      In addition to updating material, this book also intends to streamline the relationship between general phonetic knowledge with science and science qiraat recitation that seemed contrary.
At the time of the prophet tajwid existing knowledge as mentioned in the Qur'an ورتل القرآن ترتيلا ""
It means: "read the Qur'an with risque" (Surah Al Muzammil 73: 4)
It shows that the science of recitation was available at the time of the prophet, but not booming like in the days after the prophet, this development can be seen from the many works of art of recitation developed by scholars either still be sya'ir or have become book form. Among the scholars was Abu Muzahim Al Haqani (died 325H) he was the first to invent the science of recitation. His contribution is in the form sya'ir consisting of 51 bytes. But from verses he sya'ir it becomes a reference for scholars of recitation after his time. In sya'irnya that he did not mention the science of recitation with "al tajwid", but with "husnu al dā'ī" which means the same as al recitation that would enhance reading. Next Sheik Sa'id Ali bin Ja'far (died 410 h) authored the book "al Tanbih ala al Lahni al jaliyi wa al Lahni al khafiyi" that explains the error in reading the Qur'an, on the other hand, he also authored the book deviation al qurra 'i fi al old wa al nuni ". after him-he died emerges more scholars who also studied recitation with books written by them, namely Makiy bin Abi Talib Al Qisiy (died 437 h) to book his essay" al ri'ayatu litajwidi al qira'ati tahqiqi lafdhi wa al Nilawati ". Then the sheik Al danniy (died 444 h) authored the book" al tahdidu fi al itqani wa al Recitation. "Sheikh Al danniy also explain recitation mensyarahi bait syi'ir of sheik Abu Muzahim Al Haqani in his book entitled "Syarhu qasidati abi Muzahim al haqani". And the sheik Abu Al Fadl Al Razi (died 454 h) compose the book discusses the science of recitation, then Sheik Abdulwahab al Qurtubi (died 462 h) book entitled "al maudhihu fi al tajweed". Then in 751 h of birth is sheik Ibn al-Jazari (died 833 H), he is most famous ulama'yang that has a lot of writing in the science of recitation, essay, he is not only a book but there is also a form syi'ir namely " thoyibatu al nasyri ". Syiir consists of 107 bytes to discuss recitation. Besides nadhom imam Ibn al-Jazari also authored many books in the science of recitation of "al nasyru fil qiro'at al asyri", "taqribu al nasyri", "al durrotu al mudhiyatu fil Qiro'ati al dilation al mardhiyati", "takhyiru al taisir "," ghoyatu al maharoti fil ziyadati ala al asyarati "," mandhumatu al muqoddimati "(a nadhom)," al tamhīdan fi ilmi al Recitation "," ghoyatu al nihayati fi thibaqati al qura'i "," munjidu al muqri'ina ". Also in science essay recitation imam Ibn Jazari also has another essay in the science of hadith and fiqh.

Salim, Shafwat Mahmud (2011). Fathu rabbi al Bariyyah Syarhu al muqoddimati al jazariyati. Jiddah: Maktabat / u rawa'i'il mamlukati

A. Conclusions
Qiraat tajwid knowledge and science is one of the first born after the birth of Islam, which is the third Hijri century due to several differences of opinion among the companions in reading the Koran and the law contained therein, such as how to stop and start (waqof wal reflexion), points out the letter (makhroj), the nature of the letter, and so on.
Tajwid knowledge and science qiro'at is basically prepared to facilitate people learn the Qur'an and avoid mistakes or errors in melafadzkannya tongue. In accordance with the initial objective is "al-itsyaanu jayyid bill" would bring advantages.


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