Technology for Human Life

Technology for Human Life
1. Development of Technology According to the Experts
Nana Syaodih S. (1997: 67) states that in fact since the first human technology already exists or is already using the technology. If humans in ancient times solved hazelnut with stones or cut the fruit with a pole, in fact they are already using the technology, the technology is simple.
Related to technology, Anglin defines technology as the application of the behavioral sciences and other natural and applying knowledge and menyistem to solve the problem. Other experts, Kast & Rosenweig expressed Technology is the art of utilizing scientific knowledge. While Iskandar Alisyahbana (1980: 1) formulate a more clear and complete definition of technology is a way to do something to meet human needs with the help of tools and a sense that seemed to extend, reinforce, or create more powerful members of the body, the five senses, and the human brain ,

According to Iskandar Alisyahbana (1980) Technology has been known to man since millions of years ago because of the urge to live a more comfortable, more prosperous and more prosperous. So since the beginning of civilization actually existing technology, although the term "technology has not been used. The term "technology" is derived from "techne" or ways and "logos" or knowledge. So the technology can be interpreted literally knowledge on how.
Understanding the technology itself thinks is the way of doing things to meet human needs with the aid of reason and tools, so it seemed to lengthen, strengthen or create more powerful members of the body, the senses and the human brain.
Meanwhile, according to Jaques Ellul (1967: 1967 xxv) gives the meaning of the technology as a whole "method that is rationally lead and has a characteristic efficiency in every field of human activity.
2. Definition technology in general
process that increases the added value
products used in and produced to facilitate and improve performance
Structure or system in which the process and the product and used it dikembamngkan
Advances in technology is something we can not avoid in this life, because of technological advances will be run in accordance with kemajuan science. Each innovation was created to provide positive benefits to human life. Provide a lot of convenience, as well as a new way to human activity. Specialized in the field of technology people already enjoy many benefits brought by innovations that have been produced in the last decade. However, although it was originally created to generate positive benefits, on the other hand also allows the use of negative things.
Therefore, in this paper we make an impact-positive and negative effects of technological advances in human life Some understanding of the above it appears that human life can not be separated from their technology. That is, that the technology is a whole way of rationally leads to the characteristic efficiency in every human activity.
Technological development occurs when someone uses tools and wits to solve any problems that it faces. For example, it can be argued expert opinion world technology to the development of technology.
According B.J. Habiebie (1983: 14) there were eight vehicle for the transformation of the priority development of technology, especially the technology industry, namely 1) aircraft, (2) the maritime and shipping, (3) transport, (4) electronics and communications, (5) energy , (6) engineering, (7) tools and agricultural machinery, and (8) of defense and security.
3. Positive and negative impacts due to the development of Internet technology
Below will be explained the impact-positive or negative impact on the use of the Internet:
Positive impact
a) Internet as a medium of communication is a function of the Internet's most widely used where any internet user can communicate with other users from around the world.
b) Media data exchange using email, newsgroups, ftp and www (world wide web - a network web sites) of Internet users around the world can exchange information quickly and cheaply.
c) Media seeking information or data rapid development of Internet, making www as one important source of information and accurate.
d) Ease of getting information on the internet so that we know what happened.
e) Can be used as a land information for education, culture, and others.
f) Ease of transacting and doing business in the fields of trade, so no need to go to the place offering / sale.
Negative impact
a) Pornography assumption to say that the Internet is synonymous with pornography, is not wrong. With the ability to deliver information that is owned by the Internet, pornography was widespread.
b) Fraud This case is rampant in any field. Internet was not immune from attack fraudsters.
c) Could make a person addicted, especially those involving pornography and can spend the money because it is only to serve the addiction. So the Internet depends on the wearer how the way they use the technology, but should there should be limitations and norms must uphold even if contact with the Internet or in cyberspace.
4. The benefits of Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life
Information and Communication Technology development is so fast that indirectly require people to use it in all its activities Some of the application of Information and Communication Technology, among others:
Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Company
Application of Information and Communication Technology is widely used by business travelers. Needs time and cost efficiency led to every business feels the need to apply information technology in the work environment.
Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Business World
In the business world of Information and Communication Technology used for electronic commerce or known as E-Commerce. E-Commerce is a trade using the internet communication network.
Application of Information and Communication Technology in Banking
In the banking world of Information and Communication Technology is the application of banking transactions via the Internet, known as Internet Banking.
Application of Information and Communication Technology in Education learning technology continues to develop seirng the times. In the implementation of daily learning Papers Information and Communication Technology is often encountered combination of audio technology / data, video / data, audio / video, and internet. Internet is a communication tool that is cost which allows the interaction between two or more people.
Application of Information and Communication Technology in Health
System-based smart card (smart card) can be used to determine the medical interpreter medical history of patients who come to the hospital because the card of medical interpreter can know the patient's medical history.

In order to prepare qualified human resources in entering kesejagadan era, which is marked with a loaded technology, one of the components of education that needs to be developed is a curriculum based on technology education in the basic education level.
Materials of this study is the learning material that refers to the fields of science and technology where learners are given the opportunity to discuss issues of technology and society, understand and deal with technology products, makes the equipment simple technology through the activities of designing and making, and understand the technology and the environment.
Capabilities like to solve problems, think of alternatives, assess for themselves the results of his work can be dibelajarkan through technology education. To that end, the learning technology education should be based on the four pillars of the learning process, namely: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together.
To complement the intelligence of science students, it is also necessary alignment with the teaching of science and technology teaching IMTAQ. Thus forming a human-human intelligent and moral that can produce a variety of technologies that benefit mankind.
For today's society, science and technology has been a religion. Science and technology development is considered as the solution of the existing problems. While people even adore science and technology as a liberator who would free them from the shackles of mortality world. Science believed would give mankind the health, happiness and immortality.
Science and technology contribution to civilization and human welfare can not be denied. But man can not deceive ourselves also to the fact that science and technology wreak havoc and misery for mankind. In modern civilization that young man too often stunned by the disillusionment of the negative impact of science and technology on the lives of human beings.
Even if science is able to uncover all the secret veil of nature and life, does not mean that science is synonymous with truth. Because science and technology are only able to show the reality. Truth must be more humane than objective reality. Truth must also include the element of fairness. Of course, science does not recognize human moral, therefore, science can never be a standard of truth or the solution of the problems of humanity

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