Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) VS APPLE, United States

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States has unlocked cell phones belonging to the two types of iPhone shooter San Bernardino case without the help of Apple.

According to Eileen Decker, federal prosecutors in California, on Monday (28/03) local time, investigators have received assistance from 'third parties'. However, Decker did not give a detailed description of such third parties.
"The government still has a priority to ensure that law enforcement officials can obtain digital information crucial to protect national security and public safety, either through cooperation with the parties concerned or through the justice system when cooperation fails," said Decker statement.
He added that investigators "have a commitment to the victims of the shooting of San Bernardino."

In the case of San Bernardino, Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, called the killing of 14 people using a firearm in December 2015 ago. Both were later shot dead by police. Later, US authorities said that Malik had sworn allegiance to the ISIS via social media on the day of the shooting.
To investigate the involvement of a married couple with ISIS, the US authorities seek to examine all their data, including data on their mobile phones. This is where the problem starts.

Mobile iPhone owned Farook and Malik in a locked condition and can only be opened using a passcode. The authorities then asked Apple unlock it. However, Apple refused.
This case rolled into legal channels. In early March 2016, a court in Brooklyn rejected the request of US authorities to Apple. The authorities did not remain silent and appeal. As a result, the court ordered Apple to help the FBI in order to break into the security software on the iPhone belonged to Farook, who according to the FBI contains very important information.
However, Apple insists on defying.
Through a statement, the head of Apple, Tim Cook said, "The United States government requires Apple to perform an action that has not been done before, which threatens the security of our consumers."
"We are against this order, which will affect matters beyond the legal case," added Cook.

Israeli company

US authorities then find a way out with the involvement of a third party.
An Israeli newspaper reported that forensic experts Cellebrite data on the company involved in this case.
Cellebrite told the BBC that the company was working with the FBI, but said further.
However, exposing the company site, the devices that they have to extract and parse data from iPhone 5C-model owned attacker San Bernardino - and several other mobile phone models that are locked.
According to the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, Cellebrite company, a subsidiary of Sun Corp., Japan, has signed a contract forensic data by the FBI in 2013.

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